Presque Isle – Friday July 28

Ok Getting Looped Followers, todays update is a doozy !

Update #1 – We began the day early this am with a wild wind storm, I felt the boat jostling around about 5am. Went out side to check the lines – everything looked ok, everyone’s boat was moving a lot.

Update #2 – Cousin Kathy Serre & Aunt Angie came to the marina to see the boat for the first time & to drop off aunt Angie’s GMC Jimmy, for Jonell and I to use over the weekend (how nice, eh!) . They live in Alpena , about 40 minutes away. The plan was for Jonell & I to use the car over the weekend and then meet them for a BBQ in Alpena on Sunday. (Sorry, we forgot to get pictures of them on the boat, we will take blog photos on Sunday at the BBQ).

Update #3 – We used aunt Angie’s Jimmy to go to the Presque Isle OLD Lighthouse. It is only 38ft tall, but was built in 1840. The structure was built with 2/3rds stone & 1/3 brick, but by 1867 had deteriorated enough, and was no longer high enough to be effective. Congress approved budget for the NEW Lighthouse, one mile further north on the Presque Isle pointe.

Update #4 – We then went to the NEW Presque Isle Lighthouse, built in 1870 (only 40 yrs later). It was built closer to the pointe on the Presque Isle peninsula, it is 109ft tall and supposedly the tallest of the 149 light houses in Michigan that you can climb to the top. One of us did climb the 131 steps to the top. The view was grand, as expected (at least, that’s what Nellie told me).

Update #5 – We then drove aunt Angie’s Jimmy to Ocqueoc Water Falls , just outside of Rogers City. When we pulled into the parking lot and paid the attendant, I noticed what seemed like an abnormal high fuel pump whine noise from the bottom rear of the vehicle. The car stalled while paying the attendant, but started back up. We parked the car, then went to the falls. The water falls were in a very secluded area, with me & Jonell being the only humans in sight.
Check out our secluded hide away =

Update #6 – Upon returning to the car we encountered as they say in the auto industry , a “No-Start Condition”. The time is 4:00pm, park closes at 5pm, and first three attempts with my cell to call AAA or google auto repair failed due to no cell service. BUT, then came Nellie’s new smart phone to the rescue. Jonell’s phone had enough signal to google a shop in Rogers City. The owner/operator John did not have a tow truck, but did call three tow companies for us due to our cell issues, until he found one that could show up before 5pm. The tow truck came at 4:50pm and delivered us and the Jimmy to the repair shop at 5:25pm. The owner John waited past 5pm closing time for us to arrive. We then needed a ride back to the boat in Presque Isle (about 40min away).
Tow driver AJ gave us a lift to the local sports bar where we planned to call an Uber or Taxi.

Update #7 – After arriving at the International Sports Bar in Rogers City, we learned that there is no taxi service or Uber service in Rogers City. While on the phone with the taxi company in Alpena (closest place, $75 ride back to boat), the conversation of our woes was over heard by a woman at the bar who said ” we will give you a ride back”. New friends, John & Mary Alice Krajanta & 90 year old father Robert to the rescue. We bought their dinner and were delivered back to Gettin’ Looped about 6:30pm.

Update #8 – After returning home to Gettin’ Looped, we unwound with some Bicardi/Coke, a big Bear Claw Ice Cream Cone from the local hot spot parlor, and a night ending walk on the break wall to view the sunset over the western tree line.

Time for Ferris Buehler & Bride to go nitie nite !

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